KidsCanSwim Will Remain Open as Ottawa Moves to the Red Zone
In light of the Ottawa Public Health unit moving into the red zone as of Friday March 19thwe wanted to confirm that KidsCanSwim Kanata will remain open as usual. In this new framework businesses such as ours are asked to limit the capacity of our classes to 10 people (excluding team members) which does not put any constraints to our existing program. During our re-opening plan in February we ensured that our Centre could remain open in all phases of the Ontario COVID-19 safety framework except for the grey zone lockdown which mandates all non-essential businesses to close.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the following measures that we are taking to ensure the safety of everyone in the Centre:
- No Spectators, strict One parent or guardian per child policy;
- Mandatory face coverings to be worn at all times except for when in the water;
- 2 m physical distancing at all times when in the Centre;
- Changerooms remain closed for guests coming in to the Centre but will be available for guests leaving the Centre (guests with babies may still use the stall to change their baby into a swim diaper), the showers will remain open at all times;
- 5 minute early arrival time for KidsCanSwim guests and 10 minutes early for BabiesCanSwim guests;
We truly appreciate all of your cooperation so that we can continue to offer the essential lifesaving skill of swimming lessons to all of our valued guests. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.