Why Monthly Assessments Are a Game Changer
Session-based swimming lessons can feel like a “one size fits all” approach to learning to swim . Some kids race through their levels while others need more time than the session allows. Some kids need to focus on one specific skill but need to wait for weeks before its introduced into the lesson.
At Kids Can Swim our monthly assessments are a game changer and here’s why:
There is No Fixed Timeline
At KCS you and your child will never go through 12 weeks of swimming only to find out they didn’t pass their level. With our monthly assessments, kids progress through our levels at their own unique pace when they are ready. Since all of our kids are passing levels at different times, no one feels left out or left behind.
We Focus on the Specific Skills of Your Child
Thanks to monthly assessments, we know exactly how your child is doing on each of the core skills they are working on. This means that during their lesson we spend more time practicing the skills they need help with while tailoring our lessons to suit their learning style. But it’s not all hard work – we also make sure that we practice the skills your child is acing to boost their confidence and make sure they’re having fun!
On-Deck Leads Provide Feedback in The Moment
When you walk into our building what do you see? Enthusiastic, skilled instructors, who love what they do. What you might not notice at first glance is our On-Deck Leads. They not only assess your child’s progress but they also assess our Aquatic Educators! The On-Deck Leads and Aquatic Educators are in constant communication with feedback given to the Aquatic Educators after class to ensure that they keep learning and perfecting their craft – providing the best learning environment for your child!
If you’re ready for personalized service and exceptional swimming lessons come check out the KidsCanSwim difference today!