Different Types of Water – Different Ways to Stay Safe
With summer holidays right around the corner, many KCS families will be planning vacations in and around water. No matter what holiday you’ve planned, we want to make sure all our families stay safe and do their part to prevent drowning and other water-related accidents.
At Pool and Beach Parties
With so many friends and family to catch up with and commotion everywhere, it is easy loose track of the pool or beach area and any kids or teens who might be playing or swimming there.
How to stay safer
Designate one specific adult to keep an eye on the kids and rotate the duty during parties or get-togethers.
Crowded Pools/ Beaches/ Water Parks
When there are tons of people and big crowds, it can be hard to keep your eyes on your children especially at busy pools or at water parks.
How to stay safer
Make sure your children take swimming lessons, even if they “know” how to swim, and always have kids swim with a buddy to keep an eye on each other. Most importantly, make sure you recognize the signs of drowning and know what to do in an emergency.
Unknown Water
Many of us here in Ontario are fortunate enough to spend time canoeing, swimming or fishing in lakes and rivers with friends. We also often avoid the harsh winters by traveling to tropical beaches ending up around unfamiliar water. There can be many different types of hazards like variable depth, big waves or riptides.
How to stay safer
Always know the water that you are going to swim in. Check out the depth, sea life and creatures in your surroundings and never dive into water unless you know the depth. Also, make sure you pay attention to the lifeguard signs and warning notices. Teach kids water safety skills to help them become better swimmers!
Backyard Pools
Everyone loves a backyard pool, not only to cool down in the summers but also to enhance the look and appeal of your back yard! Though home pools can be a great for fitness and relaxation, they come with some responsibility.
How to stay safer
If you have a pool in your backyard, install a fence around and keep it locked. Thought you might like the look of an open pool, the number one way to prevent accidents is to prevent unintended access.
Wherever you choose to swim, always remember that swimming is a privilege and safety always comes first. Make sure you and your kids are taking all the proper precautions, know how to swim and look out for each other!